It's 9pm in Hong Kong and I just realized today marks 1 year since M and I arrived in HK. I can't believe it. Boy does time fly by.
We landed here on Friday, January 13th (who decides to make the biggest move of their life on Friday, the 13th?). I don't know if we have ever felt so sad, scared and excited at the same time. Can't you tell in the picture below? Wow, I was feeling so many emotions inside. We were so sad to be moving far away from our family and friends, so scared of the unknown and so excited for our new adventure in life.
At JFK before we departed for HK. |
Here's a look back at life 1 year ago today.
That's us in front of our corporate housing apartment. We loved living steps away from the wet markets. |
We arrived with 4 suitcases. The rest of our belongings were on a boat en route to Dublin, Ireland (there was a slight mix-up with our shipment!). |
Here I am in our corporate housing apartment. Little did we know, we would find our permanent housing just 2 blocks up the street (after seeing around 40 apartments around the island). |
One of our goals that first weekend was to get M set-up with 3 computer screens so he could work from home. Thanks to the Wan Chai computer center, he was up and working in no time. |
We had dinner plans with friends from CO our first weekend in HK. Looking back, I can't tell you how much it meant to spend time with familiar faces when everything around us was so unfamiliar. |
It's been a crazy year and I will need some more time to
digest all of the important things we've learned since we made the move
abroad. One thing is for sure, I am so proud of us.
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